Click or tap my name to see my résumé.

NEWS from our CEO

Post Angeles Volunteer Group just picked up
our latest donation to Ukraine:
151 cans of food and 12 boxes of medical supplies.
On December 21st, Roman Lovats from Post Angeles
showed up 15 minutes early,then moved
everything out to his vehicle in under half an hour!


Load 2: food and
med supplies

Load 3:
med supplies
Packing Lists:

Medical supplies^
I was so happy with Roman for his happy speed and Natasha at Post Angeles for sending him so quickly that I decided to thank them with a commendation.

An actor friend who escaped from Russia to Israel
referred an actress he'd worked with in Russia to me. 
She just became a US citizen and needed some help
with her thirteen rescued cats. 
I was able to help her through the Foundation.
Click on or tap note to enlarge it.
I just found a photo page for an animal hospital I added an operating room to several years ago:

The animals in the Ukraine are starving and many of them are injured.  No one is really helping them.  I have a way to get
food and medical supplies to them and the front line Ukrainian soldiers.  If you have any rat proof food, bandages, tourniquets or other supplies, please call 323-407-6440 and arrange to drop them
off.  We will issue you a receipt for your taxes.  Or you can
scroll down to donate money.

We have been collecting
what we can and boxing
it for shipment.
Note: the bags can't go
due to likelihood of
rats in transport.

Our first shipment of food and medical supplies to the Ukraine

has been received and acknowledged by the group that
takes care of getting the goods there:

We have a second small
shipment for the Ukraine
and no way to get it to the shipping point.

An anonymous donor gave my assistant a ride to the
Ukranian church that is sending goods to Ukraine.
Here's the receipt they signed for our donation.

We have obtained goods for
Ukraine relief (shown here)
and will be delivering
them to the shipping point
this week (June 2022).

Our thanks for the ride to the Ukranian Church to donate.
Here are the receipt from thr Poat Angeles Group
and the invoices enclosed in each box.

Our purpose is to help animals, especially
abandoned pets and endangered wildlife,
first through the Captain Nemo's Quest shows
and website.  Future objectives include:
To help endangered wildlife wherever possible,
To have a ranch for abandoned animals, and
To aid in disaster relief when we can.

Please HELP:
More NEWS from our CEO

Gay Martin recently helped me out of a dangerous situation.
It is very much appreciated and I thank her greatly.


I sent out a second shipment of supplies for the animals
with the help of my friend Herb, pictured above.

A few of the veterinary staff agreed to pose with our donations






Eagle Rock


Silver Lake

Click a small note above to expand and read it.

   I pulled it off!  I was able to give over 2000 bandages of all sizes and some medicine to 6 animal hospitals.  I was so happy to get enough donations to be able to get it to them, it almost made me cry.  Many thanks to Ralph Kottke, who made my Marquiss Foundation for animals possible and Herb Shaw, without whom I could not have pulled this off.  I also want to thank the following people who believed in me and donated to make this possible: Bev Holak, Thomas Holak, Hayli Marquiss, Daniel West, Steve Ellsworth, John Landrum and Bob Petrovich.  And last but least, the star in the sky, John Suchy.  (This photo of me only shows a small part of what I sent out.)  My dream of helping animals has come true!!!
The animal hospital people were also very happy
for our donation (see above).

We are currently working on this project
to inform people of all ages about animals –
Click or tap the picture to visit the site:

This is a tax exempt organization created to
produce shows to educate people about
endangered wildlife.  We will be "visiting"
various states and countries of the world
to see what animals are endangered, what is
being done to help them and what you can do.
This is our primary objective.

Additional objectives include:
To help endangered wildlife wherever possible,
To have a ranch for abandoned animals, and
To aid in disaster relief when we can.

To find out about the shows,
click on the show logo above or visit

These shows are a free service for the states,
countries and groups working to protect
and save our wildlife.  The shows are
funded by Marquiss Studios & donations
to the Marquiss Foundation, a non-profit
organization registered in California.
Please HELP:

1) Your donation is tax deductable!*
2) You may also send a check made
out to the Marquiss Foundation
to the address HERE.
3) We do not and never will
share your info with anyone!**
4) All funds received will go directly
to animals we help, producing this
series, maintaining this site or forwarding
the money to groups helping abandoned
animals and endangered species.

* We'll normally e-mail you a receipt.  If you have questions,
contact us at
** Except as required by law (ex: tax forms)

© 2018, 2023 by Robert Marquiss/Marquiss Studios.  All rights reserved.